Friday, October 11, 2013

Eeeeek...It's SPIDER week!

We made our weekly art project based on our Spider Unit.  In Reader's Workshop we have been talking about fiction books vs. non-fiction books.  The kids loved learning all the fascinating facts about spiders.  Above is a sample of our project.  Yep, I made it up myself!  Actually, I was originally going to make it into a headband for the kids to wear around, but we needed to display a new art project because we were going to be having families in for a breakfast called "Pastries for Parents" I tweaked it a bit so we could hang it up.  I gave the kids the option to glue the legs down on the paper or they could make it more dimensional by stapling  the ends of the legs to the outer edge of the paper.
They looked great in the hallway above our lockers and the kids were very proud explaining all the fun facts to their parents at our "Pastries for Parents" morning. 
One of the most exciting things that we discovered is that some spiders have as many as 8 eyes!  We then discussed if that was a good thing or a bad thing.  After our discussion I gave each of my Littles a kaleidoscope to look through which resembles a spiders fun!!! They had so much fun and were able to tell me many interesting facts about spiders & they now have a better understanding of the difference between fiction and non-fiction books!  WIN-WIN!!!
This is a view from the kaleidoscope... Can you see why my Littles were so captivated by learning about spiders this last week?!?

1 comment:

  1. Jess,
    What creative ideas!!! I love them all. I am going to have to remember some of these ideas to do in my own classroom next year with my kiddos. They will love it!
