Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I HEART the Blogging Community!

Well, here goes nothing!  A couple of years ago over my winter break I discovered the wonderful world of blogging.  I stumbled upon a blog and one thing lead to another.  Before I knew was 6am and the sun was {almost} coming up.  That was a really long day, especially since my children get up around the time the sun does!  Since then I have been frantically searching (and some may call it stalking) my favorite blogs.  I guess you could call me a "Blog Hog."  Please be patient with me as I am trying to learn the lingo as I go.  My goal is to {try to} blog at least once a month week...maybe!  Since I have been so inspired by my fellow educator bloggers, I would like to share my world as an educator and share some of the creative activities that I make. So, with that being said-Wish me luck!


  1. You don't need luck, girl! You got SPIRIT! (: I look forward to following your blog, Jessica! Go SMU M.Ed.!! (:

  2. So excited for you! Can't wait to see, and use, all of your creative talents!

  3. I would like to start blogging more. Good for you! Hey I can't find where I'm suppose to blog/respond to your grow and glow.???

  4. Hi Julie, thanks for your response!
    This blog is my main blog where in the future I want to post articles/pictures of what I'm doing in my class. I created a separate blog where I post assignments. You can find it here:
    You can also find it at the top of my blog where there is a tab that will bring you to my grad-school blog. Sorry for the confusion!
